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作者:项敬周        赵长斌 
单位:项敬周(中国医科大学第八临床学院鞍钢铁东医院口腔科 辽宁 鞍山 114002)赵长斌(沈阳市口腔医院) 
Kovarik RE.Breeding LC.Caughman WF Fatigue life of three core materials under simulated chewing conditions 1992(4) sidor F.Brondum K.Ravnholt G The influence of post length and crown ferrule length on the resistance to cyclic loading of bovine teeth with prefabricated titanium posts 1999(1) IGegauff AG Effect of crown lengthening and ferrule placement on static load failure of cemented cast post-cores and crowns 2000 Sorensen JA.Engelman MJ Ferrule design and fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth 1990 Libman WJ.Nicholls JI Load fatigue of teeth restored wvith cast posts and cores and complete crowns 1995(2) Hazaimeh N.Gutteridge DL An in vitro study into the effect of the ferrule preparation on the fracture resistance of crowned teeth incorporating prefabricated post and composite core restorations 2001(1) Holmes DC.Diaz- Arnold MD.Learty JM Influence of post dimension on stress distribution in dentin 1996 Isidor F.Brondum K.Ravnholt G The influence of post length and crown ferrule length on the resistance to cyclic loading of bovine teeth with prefabricated titanium posts 1999(1) Loney RW.Kotowicz WE.McDowell GC Three-dimensional photoelastic stress analysis of the ferrule effect in cast post and cores 1990 Barkhordar RA.Radke R.Abbasi J Effect of metal collars on resisitance of endodontically treated teeth to root fracture 1989 Sorensen JA.Engelman MJ Ferrule design and fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth 1990 Hoag.Dwyer, TG A comparative evaluation of three post and core techniques 1982 Tjan AH.Whang SB Resistance to root gracture of dowel channels with various thicknesses of buccal dentin walls 1985 Lenchner NH Restoring endodontieally treated teeth ferrule effect and biological width 1989 Saupe WA.Gluskin AH.Radke RAJ A comparative study of fracture resistance between morphologic dowel and core and a resinreinforced dowel system in the intraradicular restoration of structurally compromised roots 1996 Junge T.Nicholls JI.Phillips KM Load fatigue of compromised teeth: a comparision of 3 luting agents 1998 Mitchell CA.Orr JF.Kennedy JG A semi-empirical model for prediction of how post-retained crowns will fail under compressive loading 1992(9)
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