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作者:孟庆涛        刘宁 
单位:孟庆涛(马钢医院脑外科 安徽 马鞍山 243000)刘宁(南京医科大学附属医院脑外科) 
Adams J DI.Graham.J ennett. B The neuropathology of the vegetative stateafter an acute brain insult 2000(7) He XS.Yi. SY.Zhang X Diffuse axonal injury due to lateral head rotation in a rat model 2000(4) H Smith D.Nonaka. M.Miller, R Immediate comafollowing inertial brain injury dependent on axonal damage in the brainstem 2000(2) Gultekin S H.Smith. TH Diffuse axonal injury in craniocerbral trauma. A comparative histologic and immunohistochenical study 1994(2) Buki A.Okonkwo. D. O.Wang. K. K Cytochromec release and caspase actwation in traumatic axonal injury 2000(8) Wang H D.Duan. GS.Zhang J Clinical studies on diffuse axonal injury in patients with severe closed head injury 1998(1) Pateraks K.H. karantans. A.Komnos. A Outcome of patients with diffuse axona linjury: The significance and prognostic value of MRI in the acute phase 2000(6) M cecil k.C. Hills. E.Sandel. M Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy for detection of axonal injury in the splenium of the corpuscallosum of brain-injury patients 1998(5) Wild J M.Macmillan G S.Wardlaw J M LH spectroscopic imaging of acute head injury evidence of diffuse axonal injmy 1999(2) Parizel P M.Ozsarlak.Van Goethem. J. W Imaging finding in diffuse axonal injury after closed head trauma 1998(6) Bagley L J.Mcgowan J C.Grossman R I Magnetization transfer imaging of traumatic brain inury 2000(1) Mc Gowan J C.Mc. Cormack. T. M.Grossman. R. I Diffuse axonal pathology detected with magnetization transfer imaging following brain injury in the pig 1999(4) Maxweii W L.Donnelly·S.Sun·X Axonal cytoskeletal responses to nondisruptive axonal injury and the short-term effects of post traumatic hypothermia 1999(2) Koizumi H.T. povlishock. J Posttraumatic hypothemia in the treatment of axonal damage in an animal model of traumatic axonal injury 1998(2) Heath D L.Vink. R Optimization of magnesium therapy after severe diffuse axonal brain injury in rats 1999(3) Heath D L.Vink. R Improved motor outcome in respone to magnosium therapy receired up to 24 hours after traumatic diffuse axonal brain injury in rats 1999(3) Truettenr J.Schmiclt kastner. R.Busto. R Expression of brainderived newro trophic factor, nerve growth factor, and heat shock protein Hsp To following fluid percussion brain injury in rats 1999(6) Buki A.Okonkwo. D. O.Povlishock. J. T Postinjury cyclosporin A administration limits axonal damage and disconnection in traumatic brain injury 1999(6)
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