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作者:李国平        冯莉        孙树玲        鲁红敏        王连稳 
单位:莱芜钢铁集团公司医院 山东莱芜 271126 
急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)是心内科常见疾病,主要包括不稳定性心绞痛、急性非Q波心肌梗死和Q波心肌梗死.动脉粥样硬化不稳定斑块破裂导致冠状动脉血栓形成,是引起ACS的最直接原因,而炎症是动脉粥样硬化不稳定斑块的重要标志之一[1].
Conti CR Updated pathophysiologic conceps in unstable coronary artery diseases 2001(2) Rifai N.Ridker PM Proposed cardiovascular risk assessment algorithm using hight sensitivity C - reavtive protein and lipid screening 2001 Dvid A C - reactive protein in acute coronary heart disease 2000 金亚平.秦光明.张松照 血清高敏C-反应蛋白在心血管病变中的表达特性 [期刊论文] -中华检验医学杂志2002(6) Ross N Atherosclerosis: an inflammatory disease 1999 Rider PM.Glynn RJ.Henneken CH C - reactive protein adds to the predictive value of total and HDL cholesterol in determining risk of cardial infarction 1998(20) Shimada K.Mokuno H.Watanabe Y High prevalence of seropositivity for antibodies to chlamydia- specific lipopolysaccharide in patients with acute coronary syndrome 2000(7) Rifai N.Ridker PM High - sensitivity C - reactive protein: a novel and promising marker of coronary heart disease 2001 Rosenson RS.Koenig W High- sensitivity C- reactive protein and cardiovascular risk in patients with coronary heart disease 2002(4) Zhang YX.Cliff WJ.Schoefl GI Coronary C - reactive protein distribution: is relation to development of atheroslerosis 1999 Liuzzo G.Biasueci LW.Gallimore JR The prognostic value of C reactive protein and serum amyloid a protein in severe unstable angina 1994 Curzen N.Patel DJ.Kemp M Can C-reactive protein or troponins T and I predict outcome in patients with intraactable unstable angina? 1998(1) Lagrand WK.Visser CA.Hermens WT C- reactive protein as a cardiovascular risk factor: more than an epiphenomenon 1999 Abdelmoutable I.Danchin N.Ilardo C C- reactive protein and coronary atery disease: Additional evidence of the implication of an inflammatery process inacute coronary syndromes 1999 Morrow DA.Rifai N.Antman EM C - reactive protein is a potent predictor of mortality independently of and in combination with troponin T in acute coronary sysdromes: a TIM1 11A substudy 1998 Barath P.Fishbein MC.Cao J Tumor necrosis factor gene expression in human 1990 Mockel M.Heller G.Muller C C - reactive protein as an independent marker of prognosis in acute coronary syndrome:comparision with troponin T 2000(8)
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