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作者:孔令斌        李登印        霍景山 
单位:孔令斌(济宁医学院内科学教研室 山东济宁 272013)李登印(济宁市中区卫生防疫站)霍景山(中国行为医学编辑部) 
Minno GD.Mancini M Measuring plasma fibrinogen to predict stroke and myocardial infarction 1990 Rosengren A.Wilhelmsen L.Welin L Social influences and cardiovascular risk factors as determinants of plasma fibrinogen concentration in a general population sample of middle aged men 1990 Becket RC.Cannon CP.Bovill EG Prognostic value of plasma fibrinogen concentration in patients with unstable angina and non - Q- wave myocardial infarction(TIMI ⅢB Trial) 1996(78) Carter AM.CattoAJ.Bamford LM Gender- specific associations of the fibrinogen B β 448 polymorphism, fibrinogen levels, and actue cerebrovascular disease 1997 Humphries SE.Luong LA.Montgomery HE Gene environment interaction in the determination of levels of plasma fibrinogen 1999 Scarabin PY.Bara.Ricard S Genetic variation at the β-fibrinogen locus in relation to plasma fibrinogen concentrations and risk of myocardial infarction the ECTIM study 1993 Folsom AR.Wu KL.Davis CE Population correlation of plasma fibrinogen and factor VII, putative cardiovascular risk factors 1991 Ernst E.Resch KL Fibrinogen as a cardiovascular risk factor:A meta analysis and review of the literature 1993 Maat MP.Knijff P.Green FR Gender - related association between β - fibrinogen genotype and plasma fibrinogen levels and linkage disequilibrium at the fibrinogen locus in Greeland inuit 1995 Levenson J.Giral P.Razavian M Fibrinogen and silent atherosclerosis in subjects with cardiovascular risk factors 1995 Yamell JW.Baker IA.Sweetnam PM Fibrinogen,viscosity,and white blood cell count are major risk factors for ischemic heart disease 1991 Maat MPM.Kastelein LLP.Jukema JW 445G/A polymorphism of the β- fibrinogen gene is associated with progression of coronary atherosclerosis in symptomatic men proposed role for an acute - phase reaction pattern of fibrinogen 1998 Maresca G.Blasio AD.Marchioli R Measuring plasma fibrinogen to predict stroke and myocardial infarction an update 1999 Smith EB.Keen GA.Grant A Fate of fibrinogen in human aretery intima 1990 Sharp DS.Abbott RD.Burchfiel CM Plasma fibrinogen and coronary heart disease in elderly Japanese - American men 1996 Wang XL.Wang J.McCredie RM Polymorphisms of factorⅤ ,factorⅦ ,and fibrinogen genes relevance to severity of coronary artery disease 1997 Dwyer JH Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and coronary risk 1997
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