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作者:辛英才        张爱平        孙德俊 
单位:包钢医院 内蒙包头 014010 
随着心血管疾病的逐年增加,体外循环(Cardiopulmonary bypass,简称CPB)心脏直视手术在全国已广泛开展.由于CPB手术的普遍应用,重新引起人们对CPB术中、术后并发症的重视.
Woodman RC.harker LA Bleeding complications assciated with cardiopulmonary byass 1990(9) Gill R.Murkin JM Neuropsychologic dysfuncyion after cardiac surgery: What is the problem? 1996(1) Borowicz LM.Goldsborough MA.Selnes OA Neuropsychologic changes after cardiac surgery. a critical review 1996(1) Boyle EM.Verrier ED.Spiess BD Endothelial cell injury in cardiovascular surgery:the procoagulant response 1996 Brozna JP.Foman M.Carson SD Staurosporine blocks downregulation of monocyteassociated tissue factor 1994(6) Jurd KM.Stephens CJ.Blak MM Endothelial cell activation in cutaneous vasculitis 1996(1) Dah lback B The protein C anticoagulant system: Inherited defects as basis for venous thrombosis 1995(1) Shen L.Dahlback B Factor V and protein S as synergistic cofactors to activated protein C in degradation of factor V Ⅲa 1994 Weitz J New anticoagulant strategies:Current status and future potential 1994 Nordt TK.Schneider DJ.Sobel BE Augmentation of the synthesis of plasminogen activator inhibitor type- 1 by precursors of insulin: A potential risk factor for vascular disease 1994(1) The Writing Group for the Estradiol Clotting Factors Study Effects on haemostasis of hormone replacement therapy with transdermal estradiol and oral sequential medroxyprogesterone acetate:a 1-year,double-blind, placebo-controlled study 1996(3) Pawse AR.Tarachand U Clot lysis: role of plasminogen activator inhibitors in haemostasis and therapy 1997(6) Dreyer W J.Michael LH.Millman EE Neutrophil sequestration and pulmonary dysfunction in a canine model of open heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass 1995 Boisclair MD.Lane DA.Philippou H Mechanisms of thrombin generation during surgery and cariopulmonary bypass 1993(11) Urlesberger B.Zobel G.Zenz W Activation of the clotting system during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in term neuborn infants 1996 Mc Manus ML.Kevy SV.Bower LK Cagulation factor deficiencies during initiation of excorporeal membrane oxygenation 1995 Boldt J.Knothe C.Welters I.ct al Normothemic versus hypothemic cardiopulmonary hypass:Do chande in coagulation differ 1996 Petaja J.Peltola K.Sairanen H Fibrinolysis, antithrombin Ⅲ ,and protein C in neonates during cardiac operation 1996 Boldt J.Schindler E.Knothe C Endothelial - related coagulation in cardiac surgery 1995 王振义.李家增.阮长耿 血栓与止血.基础理论与临床 1996 Chandler WL.Fitch JC.Wall MH Individual variatiations in the fibrinolytic response during and after cardiopulmonary bypass 1995(5) Ray MJ.Marsh NA.Hawson GA Relationship of fibrinolysis and platelet function to bleeding after cardiopulmonary bypass 1994(5) Mannucci L.Gerometta PS.Mussoni L One month follow- up of haemostatic variables in patients undergoing aortocoronary bypass surgery 1995(3)
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