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作者:刘晓伟        张彦芳 
单位:内蒙古医学院第三附属医院血液内科 内蒙古包头 014010 
Pei L.Melmed S Isolation and characterization of a pituitary tumor transforming gene(PTTG) 1997 Kannkis D.Kirches E.Mawrin C Promoter mutations are no major cause of PTTG overexpression in pituitary adenomas 2003(2) Chien W.Pei L A novel binding factor facilitates nuclear translocation and transcriptional activation function of the pituitary tumor transforming gene product 2000(25) Stratford AL.Boelaert K.Tannahill LA Pituitary tumor transforming gene binding factor:a novel transforming gene in thyroid tumorigenesis 2005(7) Pei L Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase cacade regulates pituitary tumor transforming gene transactivation function 2000(40) Wang Z.Yu R.Melmed S Mice lacking pituitary tumor transforming gene show testicular and splenic hypoplasia,thymic hyperplasia,thrombocytopenia,aberrant cell cycle progression,and premature centromere division 2001(11) Chesnokova V.Kovacs K.Castro AV Pituitary hypoplasia in pttg -/-mice is protective for Rb +/-pituitary tumorigenesis 2005(9) Kim D.Pemberton H.Stratford AL Pituitary tumor transforming gene (PTTG) induce genetic instability in thyroid cell 2005(30) Pei L Identification of c-myc as a down-stream target for pituitary tumor transforming dene 2001(11) Zhou Y.Mehta KR.Choi AP DNA damage-induced inhibition of securin expression is mediated by p53 2003(1) Bernal J A.Luna R.Espina A Human securing interacts with p53 and modulates p53 mediated transcriptional activity and apoptosis 2002(2) Jung CR.Yoo J.Jang YJ Adenovirus-mediated transfer of siRNA against PTTG1 inhibits liver cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo 2006(5) Yu R.Heaney A P.Lu W Pituitary tumor transforming gene cause saneuploidy and p53 dependent and p53 independent apoptosis 2000(47) Hamid T.Kakar SS PTTG/securin activate sex pression of p53 and modulates its function 2004(1) Ishikawa H.Heaney AP.Yu R Human pituitary tumor transforming dene induces angiogenesis 2001(2) 陈凌.刘运生.王陆申.尹海贵.侯庆田.刘志雄.陈立华.凌锋 垂体肿瘤转化基因、内皮抑素和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子mRNA在侵袭性垂体腺瘤中的表达 [期刊论文] -中南大学学报(医学版)2004(6) Hamid T.Malik MT.Kakar SS Ectopic expression of PTTG1/securing promotes tumorigenesis in human embryonic kidney cells 2005(1) Saez C.Martinez-Brocca MA.Castilla C Prognostic significance of human pituitary tumor-transforming gene immunohistochemical expression in differentiated thyroid cancer 2006(4) Chen G.Li J.Li F Inhibitory effects of anti-sense PTTG on malignant phenotype of human ovarian carcinoma cell line SK-OV-3 2004(4) Solbach C.Roller M.Peter M Pituitary tumor-transforming gene (PTTG):a novel target for anti-tumir therapy 2005(1A)
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