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Janes SM.Lowell S.Hutter C Epidermal stem cells 2002(4) Taylor G.Lehrer MS.Jensen PJ Involvement of follicular stem cells in forming not only the follicle but also the epidermis 2000 Commo S.Gaillard O.Bernard BA The human hair follicle contains two distinct K19 positive compartments in the outer root sheath:a unifying hypothesis for stem cell reservoir? 2000(4-5) 赵志力.付小兵.孙同柱.杨银辉.陈伟.孙晓庆.盛志勇 不同发育阶段人皮肤表皮干细胞增殖分化特征及其与创面修复结局关系的研究 [期刊论文] -解放军医学杂志2002(5) Lavker RM.Sun TT Epidermal stem cells,properties,markers,and location 2000(25) Kaur P.LI A Adhesive properties of human basal epidermal cells:an analysis of keratinocyte stem cells,transit amplifying cells,and postmitotic differentiating cells 2000(3) Akiyama M.Smith LT.Shimizu H Changing patterns of localization of putative stem cells in developing human hair follicles 2000(2) Slack JM Stem cells in epithelial tissues 2000(5457) Lyle S.Christofidou-Solomidou M.Liu Y The C8/144B monoclonal antibody recognizes cytokeratin 15 and defines the location of human hair follicle stem cells 1998 Pellegrini G.Dellambra E.Golisano O p63 identifies keratinocyte stem cells 2001(6) Watt FM.Hogan BL Out of Eden:stem cells and their niches 2000(5457) 黄晖.赖西南.王正国.付小兵.王丽丽 感觉神经肽SP对创面表皮干细胞迁移影响的实验研究 [期刊论文] -解放军医学杂志2003(10) Kishimoto J.Burgeson RE.Morgan BA Wnt signaling maintains the hair-inducing activity of the dermal papilla 2000(10) Waikel RL.Kawachi Y.Waikel PA Deregulated expression of c-Myc depletes epidermal stem cells 2001(2) Lowell S.Jones P.Le Roux I Stimulation of human epidermal differentiation by delta-notch signalling at the boundaries of stem-cell clusters 2000(9) Casasco M.Carnaglia AI.Zerbinati N Morphological aspects of an artificial skin 2001(3) 付小兵.孙晓庆.孙同柱.董永洪.顾小曼.陈伟.盛志勇 表皮细胞生长因子通过诱导皮肤干细胞分化加速受创表皮再生的研究 [期刊论文] -中国修复重建外科杂志2002(1) 谢举临.利天增.祁少海.卞徽宁.成建定.徐盈斌.梁慧珍 烫伤大鼠不同深度创面组织中表皮干细胞分布的初步研究 [期刊论文] -中华烧伤杂志2003(6) 李建福.付小兵.盛志勇.孙同柱 创面愈合过程中创缘表皮干细胞的再分布 [期刊论文] -中华医学杂志2003(3)