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R E Hood.Stephen R.Shorofsky Management of arrhythmias in the emergency department 2006(1) Blomstrom-Lundquist C.Scheinman MM.Allot EM For the european society of cardiology committee,NASPE-Heart rhythm society.ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines for the management of patients with supraventricular arrhythmias-executive summary.A report of the american college of Cardiology/American heart association task force on practice guidelines and the european sodety of cardiology committee for practice guidelines(writing committee to develop guideline 2003(8) Singer DE.Albers GW.Dalen JE Antithrombic therapy in atrial fibrillation:the seventh ACCP conference on antithrombic and thrombolytic therapy 2004 Asanin M.Perunicic J.Mrdovic I Prognostic significance of new atrial fibrillation and its relation to heart failure following acute myocardiaIinfarction 2005(4) Lehto M.Snapinn S.Dickstein K for the OPTIMAAL investigators.Prognostic risk of atrial fibrillation in acute myocardial infarction complicated by left ventricular dysfunction:the OPTIMAAL experience 2005(4) Kalus JS.Speneer AP.Tsikouris JP Impact of prophylactic i.v.magnesium on the efficacy of ibutilide for conversion of atriial fibrillation or flutter 2003(22) De Maio VJ.Stiell IG.Wells GA for the ontario prehospital advanced life support study group.Optimal defibrillation response intervals for maximum out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates 2003(2) Tsagalou EP.Kanakakis J.Rokas S Suppression by propranolol and amiodarone of an electrical storra refractory to metoprolol and amiodarone 2005(2) Grubb BP Neurocardiogenic syncope and related disorders of orthostatie intoleranee 2005(22) Brignole M.Alboni P.Benditt D Guidelines on management (diagnosis and treatment) of syncope-update 2004 2004 Quinn JV.Stiell IG.MeDermott DA Derivation of the san Francisco syncope rule to predict patients with short-term serious outcomes 2004(2) Colivicehi F.Ammirati F.Melina D for the OESIL (Osservatorio epidemilolgico sull sincopenel lazio)study investigators.Development and prospective validation of a risk stratification system for patients with syncope in the emergency department:the OESIL risk score 2003(9) Stevenson WG.Chaitman BR.Ellenbogen KA For the Subcommittee on electrocardiography and arrhythmias of the american heart association council on clinical cardiology.Heart rhythm society.Clinical assessment and management of patients with implanted cardioverter-defibrillators presenting to nonelectrophysiologists 2004(25)