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外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(vulvoaginal candidasis,VVC)是由假丝酵母菌感染引起的外阴阴道炎症性疾病,是最常见的妇女外阴阴道炎症之一.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment Guidelines 2002.Genters for Disease control and prevention 2002(RR6) Saporiti AM.GomezD.Levalle S Vaginal candidiasis:etiology and sensitivity profile to antifungal agents in clinical use 2001(4) Lockhart SR.Reed BD.Pierson CL Most frequent scenario for recurrent Candida vaginitis is strain maintenance with"substrain shuf fling":demonstration by sequential DNA fingerprinting with probes Ca3,CI,and CARE2 + 1996(4) Sullivan D.Coleman D Candida dubliensis:characteristics and identification 1998(2) Alvarez-Olmos MI.Barousse MM.Raian L Vaginal lactobacilli in adolescents:presence and relationship to local and systemic immunity,and to bacterial vaginosis 2004(7) Spinillo A.Capuzzo E.Gulminetti R Prevalence of and risk factors for fungal vaginit is caused by non-albicans species 1997(2) Spinillo A.Pizzoli G.Colonna L Epidemiologic characteristic of women with idiopathic RVVC 1993(5) Magliani W.Conti S.Salati A New strategies for treatment of candida vaginal infections 2005(3) Loeffler J.Hebart H.Magga S Identification of rare Candida species and other yeasts by polymerase chainreaction and slot blot 2000(4) Deva R.Ciccoli R.Kockl Involvements of as-pirin-sensitive oxylipins in Vulvovaginal 2001(1) Maffei CM.Paula CR.Mazzocato TS Phenotype and genotype of Candiada albicans strains isolated from pregnant women with recurrent vaginitis 1997(2) Tanska K Strain-relatedness among different population of pathogenic yeast Candida albicans analyzed by DNA-based typing methods 1997(1-2) 中华妇产科学分会感染性疾病协作组 外阴阴道念珠菌病诊治规范(草案) [期刊论文] -中华妇产科杂志2004(6) Linhares L M.Witkin SS.Miranda SD Differentiation between women with vulvovaginal symptoms who are positive or negative for Candida species by culture 2005(4) Sobel JD.ChaimW.Nagappan V Treatment of vaginitis caused by Candidia glabrata:use of tropical boric acid and flucytosine 2003(5) Vasquez A.Jakobsson T.Ahme S Vaginal lactobacillusflora of healthy Swedish women 2002(8) Abu EKH Increased incidence of vulvovaginal candidiasis caused by candida glabrata in Jordan 2001(3) Moraes PS.Lima G.Taketom A Candida albicans allergen immunotherapy in recurrent vaginal candidiasia 2000(5)