Analysis of elderly severe complications after colorectal cancer surgery\|related factorsWU Guo\|gang,LIU Ji\|sheng,QU Chang,et alDepartment General Surgery,The General Hospital of AISCO,Anshan 114002
Abstract Objective:To investigate severe complications associated risk factors of elderly colorectal cancer after surgery,provide a reference for clinical treatment interventionsMethods:To record 349 cases of elderly patients with colorectal cancer surgery perioperative clinical factors related assumptions,postoperative complications,through statistical analysis,looking for older patients with colorectal cancer risk factors of severe complicationsResults:There was 43 cases with severe complications in 349 patients,preoperative serum albumin,arterial blood lactate and glucose of first day after surgery,72\|hour fluid balance(the day of surgery,postoperative day 1,after 2 days),preoperative disease,coexisting disease,surgical blood loss and blood transfusion that day,72 hours whether to negative fluid balance were significantly different between severe complications group and without severe complications group(P<005)Conclusions:Preoperative serum albumin,arterial blood lactate and glucose of first day after surgery,72\|hour fluid balance of preoperative disease,coexisting disease,surgical blood loss and blood transfusion that day,72 hours whether to negative fluid balance older of severe complications in colorectal surgery related factors
Key WordsElderly;Colorectal cancer;Complications;Risk factors