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作者:罗彬 唐晓惠  
单位:攀枝花市攀钢密地医院妇产科 四川攀枝花 617063 
关键词:子宫内膜异位囊肿 超声介入 聚维酮碘 米非司酮 
分类号:R 815

目的:观察米非司酮配合超声介入聚维酮碘液(povidone iondine,PI)治疗子宫内膜异位囊肿的疗效。方法:对72例盆腔子宫内膜异位囊肿的患者在阴道超声引导下行囊肿穿刺、抽吸并注射PI进行治疗。治疗组42例于当日起口服米非司酮(250 mg,qd)3~6个月;对照组30例单行囊肿注入PI治疗。随访2年,比较两组治疗后的复发率及米非司酮的辅助治疗和副反应。结果:治疗组和对照组的复发率1年各为48%和267%,2年各为71%和300%。两组对比有显著差异(P<001),治疗组1年和2年复发率比较无显著差异(P>005)。结论:加用米非司酮治疗3~6个月可有效地降低子宫内膜异位囊肿穿刺注入治疗的复发率,副反应小,是一种安全高效尤对手术后复发盆腔粘连不宜手术的患者适用。

Clinical study for mifepristone combination with povidone lodine to treat heterotopic endmetrial cystLUO Bin,TANG Xiao\|huiDepartment of Gynaecology and Obstetrics,Pangang Midi Hospital Panzhihua 617063
Abstract Objective:The obsevation of effective treatment to heterotopic endmetrial cyst by mifepristone and ultrasound guided puncturing matching with povidone lodine solutonMethods:To the 72 patients of pelvic heterotopic endmetrial cyst,the treatment was using the vagina ultrasound guided puncturing to paracentesis,suction and inject povidone lodine soluton on the cyst42 cases of treatment group oral mifepristone(250mg)3 to 6 months from the first day,the other 30 cases of control group were injected povidone lodine soluton on the cystThrough 2\|years follow\|up,compared the relapse rate of  the two groups after using different treatments,and the adjuvant therapy and the side effects of mifepristoneResults:The 1\|years relapse rates of treatment group and control group were 48% and 267% respectively,2\|year's relapse rates were 71% and 300% respectivelyThe two groups were different significantly(P<001);Treatment group for the relapse rates of the one years and the two years showed no significant difference(P>005)Conclusions:When the doctor using the treatment of suction and injection on heterotopic endmetrial cyst,if plusing with mifepristone for 3 to 6 months,the relapse rates would be effective reduced,and the side effects were lessSo it could be seen as a safe and effficent treatment,especially suitable for the patients who had a recurrence of pelvic adhesions merged post\|operative after surgery.
Key WordsHeterotopic endmetrial cyst;Ultrasound guided puncturing;Povidonelodine soluton;Mifepristone


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