Autologous limbal stem cell and amniotic membrane transplantation for pterygiumTAN Qi\|wen,Ophthalmology,Sichuan,Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group General Hospital,Panzhihua 617023
Abstract Objective:A retrospective analysis in our hospital for treatment of 64 cases of pterygium patients to explore the corneal limbal stem cell transplantation combined with amniotic membrane transplantation for treatment of pterygium resultsMethods:46 cases of pterygium patients received pterygium excision and limbal stem cell and amniotic membrane transplantation18 cases received pterygium excision with mitomycin CResults:The pterygium resection with amniotic membrane with limbal stem cell transplantation in 46 patients,2 patients after recurrence of pterygium,18 patients underwent pterygium excision and mitomycin C\|treated patients had four cases of recurrenceConclusions:The acceptance of pterygium excision and limbal stem cell and amniotic membrane transplantation recurrence rate was low,postoperative mild irritation,pterygium resection and amniotic membrane combined with limbal stem cell transplantation was an ideal method of treatment of pterygium.
Key WordsPterygium;Limbal stem cell;Transplantation