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单位:中国医科大学第八临床学院鞍钢总医院心血管疾病治疗中心 辽宁鞍山 114002 
分类号:R 54

1 Feinglass J,Martin GJ,Lin E,et alIs heart failure survival improving?Evidence from 2323 elderly patients hospitalized between 1989\|2000Am Heart J,2003,146:111\|114
2 Ansari M,Massie BMHeart failure:how big is the problem? Who are the patients? What does the future hold? Am Heart J,2003,146:1\|4
3 Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry3rd quarter 2003 national benchmark reportAvailable at:http://www.adhereregistry.com/national\|BMR/Q3\|2003\|ADHERE\|National\|BMRpdfAccessed January 7,2005
4 Randazzo MR,Snoey ER,Levitt MA,et alAccuracy of emergency physician assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction and central venous pressure using echocardiographyAcad Emerg Med,2003,10(9):973\|977
5 DiDomenico RJ,Park HY,Southworth MR,et alGuidelines for acute decompensated heart failure treatmentAnn Pharmacother,2004,38:649\|660
6 Nava S,Carbone G,Dibattista N,et alNoninvasive ventilation in cardiogenic pulmonary edema: a multicenter randomized trialAm J Respir Crit Care Med,2003,168(12):1432\|1437
7 Mueller C,Scholer A,Laule\|Killian K,et alUse of B\|type natriuretic peptide in the evaluation and management of acute dyspneaN Engl J Med,2004,350:647\|654
8 Silver MA,Maisel A,Yancy CW,et alBNP Consensus Panel 2004: a clinical approach for the diagnostic,prognostic,screening,treatment monitoring,and therapeutic roles of natriuretic peptides in cardiovascular diseasesCongest Heart Fail,2004,10:1\|30
9 Maisel A,Hollander JE,Guss D,et alPrimary results of the Rapid Emergency Department Heart Failure Outpatient Trial(REDHOT): a multicenter study of B\|type natriuretic peptide levels,emergency department decision making,and outcomes in patients presention with shortness of breathJ Am Coll Cardiol,2004,44:1328\|1333
10 Sackner\|Bernstein JD,Kowalski M,Fox M,et alShort\|term risk of death after treatment with nesiritide for decompensated heart failure: a pooled analysis of randomized controlled trialsJAMA,2005,293:1900\|1905
11 Sackner\|Bernstein JD,Skopicki HA,et alRisk of worsening renal function with nesiritide in patients with acutely decompensated heart failureCirculation,2005,111:1487\|1491
12 Wang DJ,Dowling TC,Meadows D,et alNesiritide does not improve renal function in patients with chronic heart failure and worsening serum creatinineCirculation,2004,110(12):1620\|1625
13 Peacock F,Emerman CL,Wynne J,for the ADHERE Scientific Advisory Committee and Investigators and the ADHERE Study GroupEarly use of nesiritide in the emergency department is associated with improved outcome: An ADHERE registry analysisAnn Emerg Med,2004,44(Suppl 4):S78
14 Follath F,Cleland JG,Just H,et alEfficacy and safety of intravenous levosimendan compared with dobutamine in severe low\|output heart failure(the LIDO study);a randomized double blind trialLancet,2003,360:196\|202
15 Robert L,Ereka D,Stephen S,et alAcute Congestive Heart Failure in the Emergency DepartmentCardiol Clin,2006,24:115\|123

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