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作者:吴国刚 刘吉盛 曲畅 张殿红 唐利平 刘兆润 杨辉 陈汉敏 
单位:中国医科大学第八临床学院鞍钢总医院外科 辽宁鞍山 114002 
关键词:腹腔内压力 腹腔内高压 液体平衡 全身性炎症反应综合征 
分类号:R 656

目的:探讨腹部大手术后腹腔内高压(IAH)的发生率,评估腹腔内压力(IAP)变化与液体平衡及全身性炎症反应综合征(SIRS)的关系。方法:以本院腹部大手术后入IUC监护的57例患者为研究对象,通过膀胱内测压法测量术后连续 3 天的IAP值、IAP日变化值并记录 24 h 液体平衡,根据ACCP/SCMM的SIRS标准将研究对象分为SIRS组和Non\|SIRS组,记录术后3天内每组IAH和Non\|IAH患者例数及IAP值。结果:57例患者中术后发生IAH者占328%,24 h 液体平衡与IAP变化呈正关(r1=0554,r2=0522,r3=0571,P<001);SIRS组IAH发生例数多于Non\|SIRS组,并且IAP值高于Non\|SIRS组(P<001)。结论:IAH多发生在腹部大手术后,24 h 液体平衡以及SIRS是发生IAH的危险因素。

The objectives of this study were to determine the incidence of intra\|abdominal hypertension in patients after major abdominal surgery and to evaluate the correlation of intra\|abdominal pressure with fluid balance and systemic inflammatory response syndrome.Methods:57 patients,admitted to ICU of our hospital after major abdominal surgery,were included into the studyThrough measurement of bladder pressure measured the IAP value,IAP changes in value and record the 24 h day fluid balance of the 3 consecutive days,according to ACCP/SCMM of SIRS standard subjects were divided into SIRS group and the Non\|SIRS group,recorded after 3 days not only the number of IAH and Non\|IAH patients but also the IAP valuesResults:57 patients were included into the studyIntra\|abdominal hypertension was diagnosed in about 328% of the patients in the early postoperative periodThe study showed a significant positive correlation between 24\|hour fluid balance and daily changes in intra\|abdominal pressure(r1=0554,r2=0522,r3=0571,P<001)A significant association was also seen between the number of positive systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria and intra\|abdominal pressure,and intra\|abdominal pressure was significantly higher in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome(P<001)Conclusions:Intra\|abdominal hypertension occured commonly in patients after major abdominal surgery,and patients with positive 24\|hour fluid balance and/or systemic inflammatory response syndrome were at risk of having higher intra\|abdominal hypertension


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3Boldt JFluid management of patients undergoing abdominal surgery more questions than answersEur J Anaesthesiol,2006,23:631
4Holte K,Foss NB,Andersen J,et alLiberal or restrictive fluid administration in fast\|trackcolonic surgery:randomized,double\|blind studyBr J Anaesth,2007,99:500
5MacKay G,Fearon K,McConnachie A,et alRandomized clinical trial of the effect of postoperative intravenous fluid restriction on recovery after elective colorectal surgeryBr J Surg,2006,93:1469
6Malbrain ML,Cheatham ML,Kirkpatrick A,et alResults from the International Conference of experts on intra\|abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndromeIntensive Care Med,2006,32:1722
7De Waele J,Pletinckx P,Blot S,et alSaline volume in transvesical intra\|abdominal pressure measurement:enough is enoughIntensive Care Med,2006,32:455
8Malbrain ML,Deeren DHEffect of bladder volume on measured intravesical pressure:a prospective cohort studyCrit Care,2006,10:1

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