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1981年,De Bold发现心房钠尿肽(atrial natriureticpepetide,ANP)后,Maekawa等于1988年首先从猪脑中分离出了钠尿肽家族的第二个成员,称为B型钠尿肽(B-typenatriuretic peptide,BNP),它主要分布于中枢神经系统和血管内皮组织.1998年Richards[1]首先报道了用BNP分解后的前体(proBNP)作为标志物,早期诊断和评价心力衰竭(HF).2000年美国食品与药品监督管理局(FDA)批准了BiositeDiagnostics公司
Richards AM.Nicholls MG.Yandle TG Plasma N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide and adrenomedullin:new neurohormonal predictors of left ventricular dysfunction and prognosis after myocardial infarction 1998 Remme WJ.Swdberg K Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure:Task force report 2001 Clerieo A.Iervasi G.Chicca M Circulating levels of cardiac natriuretic peptides(ANP and BNP)measured by highly sensitive and specific immunoradiometrie assays in normal subjects and in patientswith different degrees of heart failure 1998 Silver MA.Maisel A.Yancy CW BNP Consensus Panel 2004:A clinical approach for the diagnostic,prognostic,screening,treatment monitoring,and therapeutic roles of natriuretic peptidesin cardiovascular diseases 2004(z3)