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内外侧联合入路双钢板治疗Schatzker Ⅴ/Ⅵ型胫骨平台骨折
作者:张飞 武宇赤 张霄雁 刘洪文 李哲海 
单位:内蒙古医学院第三附属医院(内蒙古包钢医院)骨科 内蒙古 包头 014010 
关键词:胫骨平台骨折 联合入路 双钢板 
分类号:R 683文献标志码:A文章编号:1005-5495(2012)01-0001


Abstract:ObjectiveTo explore the clinical effect of Surgical treatment of schantzker type V and VI tibial plateau fractures with double plates through combined approach.Methods Twenty-two patients with Schatzker type V and VI tibial plateau fractures underwent double plates treatment through combined approach from September 2008 to August 2010.Of them,16 were male and 6 were female,with an average age of 37.5 years.According to Schatzker classification,there were 14 cases of type V and 8 cases of type VI.The fractures were treated with open reduction and double plates fixation through anterolateral and posteromedial combined approaches,Rehabilitation of the knee joint was started early after surgery. Results Twenty-two patients were followed up for 9 to 31 months with an average of 18.6 months.All wounds achieved healing by first intention without complications.According to Iowa score system,the results were excellent in 15 cases,good in 4 cases,fair in 2 cases and poor in 1 case.The excellent and good rate was 86.4%.Conclusion The combined approaches technique resulted in accurate fracture reduction with low tissue complication rate,and double plates treatment achieved improved stabilization which enabled rehabilitation of the knee joint was started early after surgery.Double plates treatment with anterolateral and posteromedial combined approaches was a safe and effective technique for schatzker type V and VI tibial plateau fractures.


【1]Schatzker J,McBroom R,Bruce D,et al.The tibial plateau fracture [J].Clin Orthop,1979,138:94-107
[3]Dirschl DR,DelGaizo D.Staged management of tibial plateau fractures [J].Am J Orthop,2007,36(4 Suppl):12-17
[4]Eggli S,Hartel MJ,Kohl S,et al.Unstable bicondylar tibial plateau fractures:a clinical investigation [J].Orthop Trauma,2008,22(10):673-679

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