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YingMeng.Yunsheng Yang.Wen Li Internal biliary drainage is superior to external drainage in reversing the serum tumor necrosis factor2alpha and the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA By Kupffer cells in ratswith obstructive jaundice 2007(5) Houdijk AP.Teerlink T.Visser JJ Arginine deficiency in bile duct-ligated rats after surgery;the role of plasma arginase and gut endotoxin restriction 1997(4) Neil SO.Hunt J.Filkins J Obstructive jaundice in rats results in exaggerated hepatic production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and systemic and tissue tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels after endotoxin 1997 Poderoso JJ.Carreras MC.Lisdero C Nitric oxide inhibits electron transfer and increases superoxide radical production in rat heart mitochondria and submitochondrial particles 1996 Messmer UK.Brune B Nitric oxide induced apoptosis,P 5 3-dependent and P53-independent signaling pathways 1996 So HS.Park RK.Kim MS Nitric oxide inhibits c-Jun Nterminal kinase 2(JNK2) via S-nitrosylation 1998 Jun CD.Oh CD.Kwak HJ Overexpression of protein kinase C isoforms protects RAW 264.7 maerophages from nitric oxideinduced apoptosis,involvement of c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stressactivated protein kinase,p38 kinase and CPP-32 protease pathways 1999 Di Nardo A.Benassi L.Magnoni C Ceramide 2 (N-acetyl sphingosine) is associated with reduction in Bcl-2 protein levels by Western blotting and with apoptosis in cultured human kerationocytes 2000 Drapier JC.Wietzerbin J.Hibbs JB Jr Interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor induce the L-arginine-dependent cytotoxic effector mechanism in murine macrophages 1998 Kim YM.Talanian RV.Billiar TR Nitric oxide inhibits apoptosis by preventing increases in caspase-3-like activity via two distinct mechanisms 1997 Kim YM.Chung HT.Kim SS Nitric oxide protects PC12 cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis by cGMP-dependent inhibition of caspase signaling 1999 Sata M.Kakoki M.Nagata D Adrenomedullin and nitric oxide inhibit human endothelial cell apoptosis via a cyclic GMP-independent Mechanism 2000 Li J.Billiar TR.Talanian RV Nitric oxide reversibly inhibits seven members of the caspase family via S-nitrosylation 1997 Kim YM.de Vera ME.Watkins SC Nitric oxide protects culured rat hepatocytes from tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis by inducing heat shock protein 70 expression 1997 石力.田伏洲.蔡忠红.赵碧 胆道引流对梗阻性黄疸患者肝脏血流动力学的影响 [期刊论文] -世界华人消化杂志2002(7) 王剑明.邹声泉 蛋白激酶 C信号通道在阻塞性黄疸肝损害发生发展中的作用 [期刊论文] -中国普外基础与临床杂志2002(2)