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作者:宋爱秀 杨月明 温秀莲 
单位:内蒙古医科大学第三附属医院 内蒙古 包头 014010 
关键词:关键词:躯体形式障碍 抑郁症 焦虑症 SCL-90 EPQ 
分类号:中图分类号:R 7497文献标志码:A文章编号:1005-54
摘要:目的观察躯体形式障碍的症状、情绪及人格特征,并与抑郁症、焦虑症进行对比分析,以提高综合医院对躯体形式障碍的识别敏感性。方法选取在我院神经内科门诊就诊的患者,符合CCMD-3的诊断标准,躯体形式障碍36例,抑郁症30例,焦虑症34例。对所有入组病例采用心理测试软件进行SCL-90、EPQ测试,就其症状、情绪及人格特征进行统计分析。结果SCL-90方面:躯体形式障碍组因子分≥2的因子依次为躯体化、焦虑、睡眠障碍 (其他)、抑郁、强迫、人际关系敏感、敌对;其躯体化因子分高于抑郁症组( 2.76±0.76 VS 2.29±0.17),也高于焦虑症组(2.76±0.76 VS 2.32±0.23),焦虑因子分低于焦虑症组(2.35±0.23 VS 2.78±0.31),抑郁因子分低于抑郁症组(2.23±0.35 VS 2.70±0.18),差异有统计学意义( P<0.05)。EPQ方面:躯体形式障碍、抑郁症、焦虑症三组患者的P、N分均较高,E分均较低;躯体形式障碍组及焦虑症组的N分高于抑郁症组(62.78±6.70 VS 55.67±9.26,61.18±6.97 VS 55.67±9.26),差异有统计学意义( P<0.01);抑郁症组的P分高于躯体形式障碍组(63.67±8.50 VS 58.75±7.40)及焦虑症组(63.67±8.50 VS 58.82±8.26),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论躯体形式障碍患者以躯体化症状最为突出,存在多种躯体不适,同时又伴有睡眠障碍、焦虑、抑郁、人际关系敏感等负面情绪,其躯体化症状程度高于焦虑症及抑郁症,但抑郁、焦虑情绪的程度分别低于抑郁症及焦虑症;躯体形式障碍患者的人格与抑郁症、焦虑症患者相似,以内向、情绪不稳定(神经质)及精神质为主;在神经质维度方面,躯体形式障碍及焦虑症患者为突出;在精神质维度方面,抑郁症患者为突出。
Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe and analyze the symptoms,mood,and personality characteristics of stomatoform disorders,depression and anxiety to improve the recognitive sensitivity of the somatoform disorders in general hospitalMethodsCases selected from outpatients in department of Neurology in our hospital,including 36 patients with somatoform disorder,30 patients with depression and 34 patients with anxiety,were diagnosed according to the third edition of chinese classification and diagnostic standard of mental disorders(CCMD-3)All the patients were given SCL-90 and EPQ tests by psychiatric softwareAll the data were analyzed statisticallyResultsIn SCL-90 test,points of factors over 2 points in somatoform disorder group were somatization,anxiety,disturbance of sleep (others),depression,force,interpersonal sensitivity and hostileThe points of somatization factors were higher than that in depression group(276±0.76 VS 2.29±0.17)and anxiety group(2.76 ±0.76 VS 2.32±0.23),but the points of anxiety and depression were lower than that in anxiety group(2.35±0.23 VS 2.78±031)and in depression group(2.23±0.35 VS 2.70±0.18)The differentiation was statistically significant(P<0.05)In EPQ test,P and N points were higher in somatoform disorder,depression and anxiety group,while E points were lowerN points in Somatoform disorder and anxiety group were higher than that in depression group(62.78±6.70 VS 55.67±9.26,61.18±6.97 VS 55.67±9.26) and the difference was of statistical significance(P<0.01)P points in depression group were higher than that in somatoform disorder group(63.67±8.50 VS 58.75±7.40)and anxiety group(63.67±8.50 VS 58.82±8.26) and the difference was of statistical significance(P<0.05)ConclusionSomatization was the most prominent symptom in patients with somatoform disorderThe patients had many body discomfort and such negative moods as sleep disorder,anxiety,depression,interpersonal sensitivityThe degree of somatization in patients with somatoform disorder is higher than that in patients with anxiety and depression,but the degree of depression and anxiety was lower than thatThe personality of patients with somatoform disorder was similar to that in depression and anxiety disorder,dominant in introversion,emotional instability(neuroticism)and psychoticismThe personality of neuroticism was dominant in patients with somatoform disorder and anxiety disorder while the personality of psychoticism was dominant inpatients with depression
[1] 唐秋萍,程灶火,袁爱华,等SCL-90在中国的应用与分析[J]中国临床心理学杂志,1999,9(1):19-23


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