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消栓肠溶胶囊及前列地尔联合常规疗法 治疗急性后循环缺血性眩晕的临床疗效观察
作者:李素芹1 李德中1 莫晔2 刘运宝2* 
单位:攀钢集团总医院检验科1神经内科2 四川 攀枝花 617000 
关键词:急性后循环缺血性眩晕 消栓肠溶胶囊 前列地尔 常规疗法 
分类号:R 543


 Abstract:ObjectiveTo evaluate the curative effect of Xiaoshuan enteric\|coated capsule and alprostadil combined with conventional therapy in the treatment of acute posterior circulation ischemic vertigo Methods216 cases of patients with acute posterior circulation ischemic vertigo were divided randomly into two groups with 108 cases in each group Conventional treatment were given for the patients in the control group and Xiaoshuan enteric\|coated capsule combined with alprostadil treatments based on the conventional treatment were given in the observation group The clinical curative effect of the two groups was compared ResultsThe total effective rate of the observation group was 9074%,and was better than 7685% in the control group After treatment,the indicators of the two groups were significantly improved;the indicators in the observation group were better than those of the control group;the differences were statistically significant(P<005)There was no obvious adverse reactions of drug in the control group Two cases in the observation group had anaphylactoid reactions,such as purpura and pruritus Symptoms subsided spontaneously after withdrawal ConclusionXiaoshuan enteric\|coated capsule and alprostadil combined with conventional therapy in the treatment of acute posterior circulation ischemia vertigo has significant clinical curative effect and less adverse reaction,which is worthy of clinical promotionKey Words:Acute posterior circulation ischemia vertigo;Xiaoshuan enteric\|coated capsule;Alprostadil;Conventional therapy


 [1\]Ozono Y,Kitahara T,Fukushima M,et al Differential diagnosis of vertigo and dizziness in the emergency department\[J\] Acta Otolaryngol,2014,134(2):140\|145

\[2\]Karatas M Central vertigo and dizziness:epidemiology,differential diagnosis,and common causes\[J\] Neurologist,2008,14(6):355\|364
\[4\]张建,王雅丽,李佳,等消栓肠溶胶囊对慢性脑低灌注大鼠皮层神经元损伤的影响\[J\] 国际中医中药杂志,2016,38(2):141\|144
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