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舌侧集中 牙合 全口义齿咀嚼效率与患者满意度的临床效果评价
作者:李丽 项敬周 马英伦 
单位:中国医科大学第八临床学院鞍钢集团公司总医院口腔科 辽宁 鞍山 114002 
关键词:舌侧集中    解剖式 牙合  全口义齿 咀嚼效率 咬合力 
分类号:R 783.6

摘要:目的 探讨舌侧集中 牙合 全口义齿的临床应用,比较其与常规解剖式双侧平衡全口义齿的临床疗效。方法 选取2016年1月~
两组的咀嚼效率和咬合力,并通过问卷调查方式评价其满意率。结果 实验组较对照组咀嚼效率更高,咬合力更小,在舒适度、固位稳定
性、咀嚼能力等方面满意率更高,差异均有统计学意义(均 P <0.05)。结论 应用舌侧集中 牙合 全口义齿临床效果佳,能显著提高患者的咀
关键词:舌侧集中 牙合 ;解剖式 牙合 ;全口义齿;咀嚼效率;咬合力

Abstract:Objective To evaluate and compare the clinical effect between lingualized occlusion complete denture and anatomical bilateral balanced occlusion complete denture. Method From January 2016 to June 2017, 72 edentulous patients who were selected were randomly divided into two groups and were respectively made lingualized occlusion complete denture and anatomical bilateral balanced occlusion complete denture. Masticatory efficiency and occlusion pressure were examined at 1, 3, and 6 months. Satisfaction rate was examined by questionnaire. Results  Compared with anatomical bilateral balanced occlusion complete denture, the masticatory efficiency and satisfaction rate of comfort level, stability, and masticatory function in lingualized occlusion complete denture group was higher(P<0.05). The occlusion pressure was less in the lingualized occlusion complete denture group(P<0.05). Conclusion  Compared with the complete denture of anatomic bilateral balanced occlusion, the complete denture of lingualized occlusion has higher satisfaction rate in comfort level, stability, and masticatory function, with the higher masticatory efficiency and less occlusion pressure, which delays the absorption of alveolar ridge in edentulous patients with low alveolar ridge.
Key Words:Lingualized occlusion; Anatomical bilateral balanced occlusion; Complete denture; Masticatory efficiency; Occlusion pressure


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