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单位:中国医科大学 辽宁 沈阳 110000 
关键词:丙肝 PubMed 文献 研究热点 
分类号:R 512.6

 摘要:目的 了解国内外丙肝研究热点,为我国丙肝基础科研、预防和治疗工作提供科学指导和参考。方法 以“hepatitis C”为主题词检索PubMed数据库近5年文献,对文献的时间、主要研究方向、作者、期刊、国家和地区以及语种等分布进行分析。结果 共检索文献14013篇,总体上呈现稳定中略有下降的趋势,其中2014年最多,为3113篇。主要研究热点集中在丙肝患者的治疗等方面。发表文献最多的作者是Dore G,共发表28篇。刊文最多的期刊都是Plos One,共计592篇。作者主要来自于美国,所收录文献主要源自英文期刊。结论 近5年国际范围内丙肝的研究逐步深入到各个学科,热点比较广泛,主要集中在临床治疗领域。

 Abstract:Objective To understand the hot issues of international research on hepatitis C, and to provide scientific guidance and reference for fondemantal research, prevention and treatment of hepatitis C in China. Methods Using "hepatitis C" as the theme to retrieve the literatures in the recent 5 years from the PubMed database, the distributions of time, research direction, authors, journals, countries and regions, and the languages were analyzed. Results A total of 14013 literatures were retrieved, and there was a slight decrease in the overall stability, the most of which were the published in 2014 with the number of 3113. Regarding the research topics, the hottest issue was on the treatment of patients with hepatitis C. The author who published the most literatures was Dore G, with 28 articles. The most frequently published journals was Plos One, publishing 592 articles. The authors were mainly from United States, and the literatures mainly originated from English journals. Conclusion In the past five years, the researches on hepatitis C in the world had gradually deepened into various disciplines, and the hotspots had become more widespread, mainly in the field of clinical treatment.


 [1] 刘淼,陈华锋,李梦华. 丙肝患者的甲状腺激素及相关抗体水平的研究[J]. 中国冶金工业医学杂志,2016,33(2):242-243.

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[7] 王晓晓,封波,魏来. 结合新版指南探讨直接抗病毒药物时代中国丙型肝炎管理中面临的挑战和机遇[J]. 中华全科医师杂志,2016,15(6):412-415.
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[9] 廖鑫忠,段晓琼,陈利民,等.基因治疗在丙型肝炎病毒感染治疗中的研究进展[J]. 中国输血杂志,2018,31(1):85-88.
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