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作者:杨志 林龙英 王家兴 张杰 李捷 张恒 胡波 
单位:攀钢集团总医院普外科 四川 攀枝花 617000 
关键词:尿毒症 透析通路 人工血管 
分类号:R 692.5

 摘要:目的 探讨人工血管在动静脉内瘘手术中的应用效果。方法 选择2018年4月~2019年4月间在我院行人工血管动静脉内瘘成形术的57例尿毒症患者的临床资料,总结、分析术后通畅率及并发症的情况。结果 57例患者手术全部成功,穿刺成功率为100%;1例术后2周因心肌梗死死亡内瘘未能使用,内瘘成熟率为98%。围术期并发上肢肿55例,人工血管隧道内血清肿3例,人工血管内血栓2例,出血1例,经过积极处理后均成功用于透析。结论 对自体血管条件不适合行动静脉内瘘的患者,利用人工血管建立动静脉内瘘是安全、可行的;术后并发症经积极处理能促使人工血管动静脉内瘘早期成熟并使用。

 Abstract:Objective To investigate the application effect of artificial vessels in the surgery of arteriovenous internal fistula. Methods From April 2018 to April 2019, the clinical information of 57 uremic patients underwent the surgery of arteriovenous internal fistula were selected, the patency rate and complications were summarized and analyzed. Results All the 57 patients had successful surgery, and the success rate of puncture was 100%. 1 case died of myocardial infarction 2 weeks after the operation without using of internal fistula, and the mature rate of internal fistula was 98%. In the perioperative period, there were 55 cases of upper limb swelling, 3 cases of seromas in the prosthetic blood vessel tunnel, 2 cases of thrombosis in artificial blood vessel, and 1 case of hemorrhage. After active management of complications, internal fistula were mature and used for dialysis. Conclusion It is safe and feasible to establish arteriovenous internal fistula by using artificial vessel for patients with autogenous vascular condition not suitable for arteriovenous  internal fistula. The active management for postoperative complications can promote the early maturation of artificial vessel in arteriovenous internal fistula.


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