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近体温利多卡因生理盐水膀胱冲洗液 对前列腺激光剜切术后膀胱痉挛的疗效研究
作者:万里 王勇? 李素琼 曹景朝 肖川 易正金 刘翔宇 李鑫 王树斌 降初拉姆 
单位:攀钢集团总医院泌尿外科 四川 攀枝花 617023 
关键词:前列腺激光剜切术 持续膀胱冲洗 膀胱冲洗液 膀胱痉挛 前列腺增生 
分类号:R 694

摘要:目的 研究近体温利多卡因生理盐水膀胱冲洗液对前列腺激光剜切术后膀胱痉挛的疗效。方法 选取100例良性前列腺增生行激光剜切术患者,按随机数字表法分为近体温利多卡因组、常温利多卡因对照组、常温盐水空白对照组及近体温盐水空白对照组,每组各25例。比较4组术后24 h内膀胱痉挛发作情况、视觉疼痛评分、术后出血量及利多卡因不良反应发生率。结果 近体温利多卡因生理盐水膀胱冲洗液冲洗期间,术后24 h内膀胱痉挛的发生次数最少,持续时间最短,发作总体时间最短;4组间术后出血量、利多卡因不良反应发生率比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论 前列腺激光剜切术后,应用近体温利多卡因生理盐水膀胱冲洗液进行持续膀胱冲洗,可减轻患者痛苦,具有良好的临床推广价值。

 Abstract:Objective To study the therapeutic effect of bladder irrigation with lidocaine saline at near-body temperature on bladder spasm after laser enucleation of prostate. Methods 100 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia underwent laser enucleation of prostate were randomly divided into near-body temperature lidocaine group, normal temperature lidocaine control group, normal temperature saline blank control group and near-body temperature saline blank control group, 25 cases in each group. The frequency of bladder spasm, the visual analogue scale(VAS), the postoperative bleeding and the incidence of side effects of lidocaine among the four groups were compared. Results During the bladder irrigation with lidocaine saline at near-body temperature, the incidence of bladder spasm was the smallest, the duration was the shortest, and the overall duration was the shortest within 24 hours after the operation; the postoperative bleeding volume, the incidence of adverse reactions of lidocaine among the four groups were compared, the differences were not statistically significant(all P>0.05). Conclusion After laser enucleation of prostate, continuous bladder irrigation with lidocaine saline at near-body temperature can relieve patients' pain and has good clinical promotion value.



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