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作者:张誉潆 李勤学# 
单位:内蒙古包钢医院老年病科 内蒙古 包头 014010 
关键词:关键词:和肽素 胱抑素C 糖尿病 冠心病 GS评分 
分类号:R 587.2

 摘要:目的 探讨和肽素(CPP)和胱抑素C(CysC)水平与老年2型糖尿病合并冠脉病变的相关性。方法 收集2型糖尿病老年患者125例,记录其基本资料,检测其CPP、CysC水平,并行冠脉造影术。根据造影结果将其分为冠脉正常组(DM1)与冠脉病变组,以GS评分将冠脉病变组分DM2(0分<GS<20分)、DM3(20分≤GS≤40分)、DM4(GS>40分)3个亚组,再根据冠脉病变支数将冠脉病变组分为单支病变组、双支病变组和3支病变组,对各组数据进行统计学分析。结果 CPP、CysC、HbA1c在DM2、DM3、DM4 3组间的比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。3支病变组的CPP、CysC水平明显高于双支病变组,双支病变组的CPP、CysC、HbA1c水平明显高于单支病变组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 CPP、CysC、HbA1c与冠脉狭窄程度呈正相关;CPP、CysC联合应用可提高对老年糖尿病合并冠脉病变的初筛及评估病情的准确率,有可能成为未来临床上更好的预测方法。

 Abstract:Objective To explore the correlation between the levels of copeptin(CPP)and cystatin C(CysC)and coronary artery disease in the elderly type 2 diabetes. Methods    125 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes were collected, the basic data were recorded, the CPP and CysC levels were tested, and coronary angiography was performed. According to the angiographic results, they were divided into normal coronary artery group (DM1)and coronary artery disease group. According to the GS score, the patients in coronary artery disease group were divided into three subgroups which were DM2 group(0 score<GS<20 score), DM3 group(20 score≤GS≤40 score)and DM4 group(GS>40 score), then according to the number of diseased coronary artery, the patients in coronary artery disease group were divided into single-vessel disease group, double-vessel disease group and three-vessel disease group. The data of each group were statistically analyzed. Results CPP, CysC, and HbA1c had statistically significant differences among the DM2, DM3, and DM4 groups(P<0.05). The levels of CPP and CysC in the three-vessel disease group were significantly higher than those in the double-vessel disease group. The levels of CPP, CysC and HbA1c in the double-vessel disease group were significantly higher than those in the single-vessel disease group, and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05). Conclusion CPP, CysC and HbA1c are positively correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis. The combined application of CPP and CysC can improve the accuracy of preliminary screening and disease assessment of elderly diabetes with coronary artery disease, which may become a better clinical prediction method in the future.



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