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单位:内蒙古包钢医院肿瘤内科 内蒙古 包头 014010 
关键词:癌性贫血 化疗 晚期胃肠道肿瘤 化疗疗效 
分类号:R 735

 摘要:目的 分析晚期胃肠道肿瘤患者化疗前后血红蛋白(Hb)的变化以及与化疗疗效的关系。方法 回顾性分析我院治疗的75例晚期胃肠道肿瘤患者,按照Hb值水平将其分为化疗前后均无贫血组(组1)、化疗后伴有贫血组(组2)、化疗前后均有贫血组(组3),统计化疗前后Hb值变化情况及其对化疗疗效的影响。结果 3组化疗后Hb值均有所降低,且组2、组3化疗后Hb值与化疗前比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);化疗4周期后,组1的OR值分别与组2、组3比较明显更高,组间比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 化疗可导致患者Hb降低,贫血可降低晚期胃肠道肿瘤患者化疗的疗效。

 Abstract:Objective To analyze the changes of hemoglobin(Hb)in patients with advanced gastrointestinal tumors before and after chemotherapy and its relationship with chemotherapy efficacy. Methods 75 cases with gastroenteric cancer were retrospectively analyzed. According to the Hb level, they were divided into Group 1 without anemia before and after chemotherapy, Group 2 with anemia after chemotherapy, and Group 3 with anemia group before and after chemotherapy. The statistics changes of Hb before and after chemotherapy and therapeutic effect were made. Results The Hb values of the three groups were all decrease after chemotherapy. The Hb value of Group 2 and Group 3 after chemotherapy were compared with that before chemotherapy, and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05); after 4 cycles of chemotherapy, the OR value of Group 1 was significantly higher compared with Group 2 and Group 3 respectively, and the differences between the groups were statistically significant(all P<0.05). Conclusion Chemotherapy can reduce the Hb, and anemia can reduce the efficacy of chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastrointestinal tumors.



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