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茵栀黄口服液联合双歧杆菌乳酸菌三联活菌片 治疗母乳性黄疸的疗效分析
作者:李新 李彤? 
单位:沈阳市妇婴医院儿科门诊 辽宁 沈阳 110014 
关键词:母乳性黄疸 茵栀黄口服液 双歧杆菌乳酸菌三联活菌片 血清总胆红素 
分类号:R 722

 摘要:目的 探讨茵栀黄口服液、双歧杆菌乳酸菌三联活菌片(金双歧)单一及联合用药在治疗母乳性黄疸中的疗效和不良反应。方法 将2017年2月1日—2020年5月1日于我院确诊的母乳性黄疸患儿184例随机分为3组,分别为联合组58例、茵栀黄组62例、金双歧组64例,比较3组治疗前、治疗72 h后和恢复母乳喂养72 h后的血清总胆红素水平及不良反应。结果 3组治疗前的血清总胆红素值比较,差异无统计学意义(t=2.1240,P>0.05);治疗72 h后,3组的血清总胆红素值均有所下降,但组间比较差异无统计学意义(t=4.1772,P>0.05);恢复母乳喂养72 h后,3组血清总胆红素值出现不同程度的上升,联合组和茵栀黄组的数值显著低于金双歧组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(t=15.0110,P<0.05)。3组治疗期间均出现不良反应,联合组和金双歧组的红臀、腹泻的发生情况明显优于茵栀黄组,组间比较差异均有统计学意义(χ2=16.9321、12.1470,均P<0.05)。结论 茵栀黄口服液联合金双歧治疗婴儿母乳性黄疸的效果更佳,常见不良反应少,安全性高。

 Abstract:Objective To explore the efficacy and adverse reactions of Yinzhihuang oral liquid combined with bifidobacterium lactobacillus triple live bacteria tablets(Gold bifidobacterium)in the treatment of breast milk jaundice. Methods A total of 184 children with breast milk jaundice diagnosed in our hospital from February 1st. 2017 to May 1st. 2020 were randomly divided into three groups, 58 cases in the combination group, 62 cases in the Yinzhihuang group and 64 cases in the gold bifidobacterium group. The changes of serum total bilirubin level and adverse reactions in the three groups were compared before treatment, 72 hours after treatment, and 72 hours after resumption of breastfeeding. Results The differences were no statistically significant in the level of serum total bilirubin among the three groups(t=2.1240, P>0.05); The value of serum total bilirubin at 72 hours after treatment in the three groups were decreased, but the differences were no statistically significant(t=4.1772, P>0.05); After resumption of breastfeeding for 72 hours, the value of serum total bilirubin were increased in different degree, which in the combination group and the Yinzhihuang group were significantly lower than that in gold bifidobacterium group, the difference between the groups were statistically significant(t=15.0110, P<0.05). Adverse reactions were all occurred in the three groups during treatment. The incidences of red buttocks and diarrhea in the combination group and gold bifidobacterium group were significantly better than that in the Yinzhihuang group, and the differences between the groups were all statistically significant(χ2=16.9321, 12.1470, all P<0.05). Conclusion Yinzhihuang oral liquid combined with gold bifidobacterium has more effective in the treatment of infant breast milk jaundice, with less common adverse reactions and higher safety.



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