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枸橼酸氢钾钠颗粒对输尿管软镜术前预置输尿管支架附壁石壳的 疗效分析
作者:万里1 王树斌1? 赵敏2 王勇1 曹景朝1 孙小雨2 倪永静2 
单位:1.攀钢集团总医院泌尿外科 四川 攀枝花 617000 2.攀枝花学院医学院 
关键词:关键词:枸橼酸氢钾钠 输尿管支架 附壁石壳形成 输尿管软镜 肾结石 
分类号:R 713

 摘要:目的 观察枸橼酸氢钾钠颗粒对输尿管软镜术前预置输尿管支架附壁石壳的疗效。方法 回顾性分析我院2019年1月至2021年6月收治的263例肾结石需行输尿管软镜治疗的患者,术前均成功预置输尿管支架,将其中从预置输尿管支架开始口服枸橼酸氢钾钠颗粒的129例患者归为实验组,而未口服任何药物的134例患者归为对照组。两组均遵医嘱3周后返院行输尿管软镜碎石手术。术中拔出输尿管支架后,由手术的两位医师观察输尿管支架管表面有无附壁石壳形成及石壳厚薄,统一意见后记录;称重输尿管支架及将石壳完全刮除后输尿管支架重量,计算石壳重量。结果 实验组共拔出输尿管支架129根,其中有7根可见薄层石壳、4根可见较厚石壳(最厚处≥1 mm),石壳形成率为8.53%,平均石壳重量(0.8521±0.1952)g。对照组共拔出输尿管支架134根,其中21根可见薄层石壳、9根可见较厚石壳,石壳形成率为22.39%,平均石壳重量(1.7823±0.1802)g。两组均一次性拔出输尿管支架。实验组石壳形成率低于对照组,较厚石壳例数少于对照组,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(χ2=8.5717、9.7144,均P<0.05);实验组石壳重量低于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=-40.143,P<0.05)。结论 枸橼酸氢钾钠颗粒可作为经济、有效且安全的减少输尿管支架附壁石壳形成及减缓石壳厚度的进展药物,值得临床推广。

 Abstract:Objective To observe the effect of potassium sodium hydrogen citrate granule on the wall stone shell of preset ureteral stent before ureteroscopy. Methods A total of 263 patients with pre-operative ureteral stents for renal calculi treated in our hospital from January 2019 to June 2021 were studied retrospectively, of which 129 patients who took oral potassium sodium citrate granules from the pre-operative ureteral stents to the pre-operative ureteroscopy were classified as the experimental group, while 134 patients who did not take any drugs were classified as the control group. Both groups of patients returned to the hospital for ureteroscopic lithotripsy after 3 weeks according to the doctor's advice. After pulling out the ureteral stent tube during the operation, the two doctors observed whether there was wall attached stone shell on the surface of the ureteral stent tube and the thickness of the stone shell, and recorded it in a special notebook after unified opinions. The weight of ureteral stent and completely scrape off the stone shell were counted to obtain the weight of stone shell. Results In the experimental group, 129 ureteral stents were pulled out, of which 7 showed thin stone shells and 4 showed thicker stone shells(the thickest part ≥ 1mm). The stone shell formation rate was 8.53%, and the average stone shell weight was (0.8521 ± 0.1952)g. In the control group, 134 ureteral stents were pulled out, including 21 thin stone shells and 9 thick stone shells. The stone shell formation rate was 22.39%, and the average stone shell weight was(1.7823 ± 0.1802) g. The ureteral stent was pulled out at one time in both groups. The formation rate of stone shells in the experimental group was lower than that in the control group, and the number of thicker stone shells was less than that in the control group, and the differences between the two groups were statistically significant(χ2=8.5717, 9.7144, all P<0.05); The weight of stone shells in the experimental group was lower than that in the control group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(t=-40.143, P<0.05). Conclusion Potassium sodium hydrogen citrate granules can be used as an economic, effective and safe drug to reduce the formation of stone shell attached to the wall of ureteral stent and slow down the progress of stone shell thickness, which is worthy of clinical promotion.



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