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作者:漆争艳 郭燕? 陶利娟 杨俊芳 唐璟 向剑波 
单位:湖南省儿童医院眼科(湖南省儿童医院眼视光弱视斜视防治中心) 湖南 长沙 410007 
关键词:视力低常 远视储备量 近视高危 眼轴 
分类号:R 778

 摘要:目的 了解长沙市学龄儿童的视力和远视储备现状,为近视防控提供基本信息和科学依据。方法 采用随机分层的抽样方法,经知情同意后对751名学生进行裸眼视力、眼轴、复方托吡卡胺滴眼液扩瞳后的电脑验光及角膜曲率检查,测出远视储备量,并对眼轴及远视储备量进行预警分析。结果 远视储备不足率及近视高危率,二、三年级占比最高,各年级间比较差异均有统计学意义(χ2=85.887、63.415,均P<0.001);随着年级的增加,近视高危和近视的学生眼轴比视力正常和远视储备偏低的学生增长更快,同一年级间视力正常学生比远视储备低、近视高危和近视的学生眼轴短,各年级间比较差异均有统计学意义(F=25.56、23.57、15.89、8.95、7.89,均P<0.001)。结论 751名一~五年级学龄儿童视力不良率为43.14%,远视储备不足率在一、二、三年级占比高,近视低龄化趋势明显。需加强家校医三方面联合,定期监测眼轴长度及远视储备量,对近视进行预警和评估近视的严重程度,对远视储备偏低和近视前期的孩子进行重点干预、重点监督,为近视防控提供切实可行的依据。

 Abstract:Objective To understand the current situation of vision and hyperopia reserve of school-age children in Changsha, and to provide basic information and scientific basis for the prevention and control of myopia.  Methods Using a random stratified sampling method, 751 students were examined for naked eye visual acuity, eye axis, computerized optometry after pupil dilation with compound tropicamide eye drops and corneal curvature after informed consent, and the hyperopic reserve was measured, and early warning analysis was performed on the eye axis and hyperopic reserve. Results  The rates of low hyperopic reserve and high risk of myopia were highest in grades 2 and 3, and the differences were statistically significant when comparing between grades (χ2=85.887, 63.415, both P<0.001); with the increase of grades, the ocular axis of students with high risk of myopia and myopia grew faster than that of students with normal vision and low hyperopic reserve, and between the same grades normal vision students had shorter eye axes than students with low hyperopic reserve, high risk of myopia, and myopia, and the differences were statistically significant when comparing among grades (F=25.56, 23.57, 15.89, 8.95, and 7.89, all P<0.001).  Conclusion The poor vision rate of 751 school-age children in grades 1 to 5 is 43.14%. and the prevalence of inadequate farsightedness reserve was high in grades 1, 2, and 3, with a clear trend toward low myopia. It is necessary to strengthen the joint efforts of family, school and medical doctors to regularly monitor the length of the eye axis and the hyperopic reserve, to provide early warning of myopia and assess the severity of myopia, and to provide focused intervention and supervision for children with low hyperopic reserve and pre-myopia to provide a practical basis for myopia prevention and control.



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