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作者: 尹东杰 王荫红# 
单位:淄博市妇幼保健院输血科 山东 淄博 255000 
关键词:新生儿溶血病 溶血3项试验 新生儿日龄 
分类号:R 722.18


摘要:目的 探讨新生儿溶血病(HDN)3项试验与新生儿日龄的关系。方法 选取2020年1月—2021年12月我院收治的578例母婴ABO血型不合的新生儿作为研究对象,依据不同日龄将其分为3组,开展溶血病3项试验并进行结果分析。结果 年龄≤3 d组的直抗试验阳性率、游离试验阳性率、放散试验阳性率均高于年龄4~7 d组、年龄≥8 d组,组间比较差异均有统计学意义(χ2=17.685、107.409、73.148,均P<0.05);3组新生儿血液样本确诊HDN的阳性率比较,年龄≤3 d组高于年龄4~7 d组、年龄≥8 d组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=43.283,P<0.05)。结论 母婴ABO血型不合的新生儿应在3 d内进行溶血病3项检测,新生儿日龄越小,检测阳性率越高。

 Abstract:Objective  To investigate the relationship between the three hemolysis tests and age in neonates. Methods From January 2020 to December 2021, 578 cases of maternal-infant ABO blood incompatibility admitted to our hospital were selected as the study subjects, and were divided into three groups according to different neonatal age, and the three hemolysis tests were carried out and the results were analyzed. Results The positive rate of direct resistance test, positive rate of free test, and positive rate of discharge test in the age ≤3 d group were higher than those in the age 4 to 7 d group and age ≥8 d group, and the differences were statistically significant in the comparisons between the groups (χ2=17.685, 107.409, 73.148, all P<0.05); the positive rate of blood samples for confirming the diagnosis of HDN in three neonatal group were compared, the age ≤3 d group was higher than age 4 to 7 d group and age ≥8 d group, and the difference between groups was statistically significant (χ2=43.283, P<0.05). Conclusion Newborns with maternal-infant ABO blood incompatibility should be tested the three hemolysis tests within 3 days. The neonate’s age is younger, the rate of positive tests is higher.



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