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单位:厦门湖里雅彬口腔门诊部有限公司 福建 厦门 361006 
关键词:老年 牙齿重度磨耗 后牙咬合支持状态 咬合重建 咀嚼功能 永久修复 
分类号:R 78

 摘要:目的 分析后牙咬合支持状态对老年牙齿重度磨耗咬合重建修复效果的影响。方法 选择2020年8月—2021年8月我院收治的82例行咬合重建修复的牙齿重度磨耗老年患者,按照后牙咬合支持程度不同随机将其分成研究组与参照组,每组各41例。比较两组不同时期(修复前、过渡期、永久修复1个月)双侧嚼肌(MM)、颞肌前束(TA)、颞肌后束(TP)的咀嚼周期、活动期与间歇期比值、肌电积分值变化情况。结果 两组修复前咀嚼周期各指标比较差异均无统计学意义(t=1.717、-0.006、-1.060,均P>0.05);研究组过渡期的MM、TA、TP咀嚼周期水平均高于参照组,永久修复1个月后的MM、TA、TP水平均低于参照组(t=-6.596、-7.666、-8.248、4.447、4.095、3.986,均P<0.001);研究组修复前、过渡期、永久修复1个月后MM、TA、TP的咀嚼运动活动期与间歇期比值均低于参照组(t=3.836、4.048、5.231、34.577、18.036、12.501、8.880、6.251、4.765,均P<0.001);研究组修复前及过渡期MM、TA、TP的咀嚼运动肌电积分值均高于参照组(t=-12.868、-9.252、-11.981、-4.012、-6.677、-9.022,均P<0.001);研究组永久修复1个月后MM、TA分值均低于参照组、TP分值高于参照组(t=7.885、4.511、-3.770,均P<0.001)。结论 后牙咬合支持状态能明显影响牙齿重度磨耗老年患者咬合重建的修复效果。

 Abstract:Objective To analyze the occlusal support status of posterior teeth,and to clarify the impact of severe tooth attrition on the restoration of aged teeth. Methods A total of 82 elderly patients with severe tooth attrition,who underwent occlusal reconstruction and restoration at our hospital from August 2020 to August 2021 were selected. According to the degree of posterior occlusal support,they were randomly divided into a study group and a reference group, with 41 cases in each group.The changes in the chewing cycle, activity-to-rest ratio, and electromyographic(EMG) integral values of bilateral masticatory muscles(MM), anterior temporal muscles(TA), and posterior temporal muscles(TP) at different periods (pre-restoration,transitional period,and 1 month after permanent restoration)were compared between the two groups. Results There were no statistically significant differences in the chewing cycle indicators between the two groups before restoration(t=1.717, -0.006, -1.060, all P>0.05). The MM, TA, and TP chewing cycle levels during the transitional period were higher in the study group than in the reference group, while the MM, TA, and TP levels 1 month after permanent restoration were lower in the study group(t=-6.596,-7.666,-8.248, 4.447, 4.095, 3.986, all P<0.001). The activity-to-rest ratio of MM, TA, and TP chewing movements before restoration, during the transitional period, and 1 month after permanent restoration was lower in the study group compared to the reference group(t=3.836, 4.048, 5.231, 34.577, 18.036, 12.501, 8.880, 6.251, 4.765, all P<0.001). The EMG integral values of MM, TA, and TP chewing movements before restoration and during the transitional period were higher in the study group compared to the reference group(t=-12.868, -9.252, -11.981, -4.012, -6.677, -9.022, all P<0.001). One month after permanent restoration, the MM and TA scores were lower in the study group, while the TP score was higher compared to the reference group(t=7.885, 4.511,-3.770, all P<0.001).  Conclusion The state of posterior occlusal support significantly affects the outcomes of occlusal reconstruction in elderly patients with severe tooth wear.



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