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赵耕源.黄铎香.张晋碚 医学心理咨询学 1997 于展飞 心身医学与心身疾病 1990 Jerry M Burger.陈会昌 人格心理学 2000 Phillip L Rice.胡佩城 健康心理学 2000 Li RK.Jia ZQ.Weisel RD Cardiomyocyte transplantation improves hesrt function 1996(3) Min JY.Yang Y.converse KL Transplantation of embryonic stem cells improves cardiac function in postinfarcted rats 2002(1) Helmers KF.Krantz DS.Merz CN Defensive hostility:relationship to multiple markers of cardiac ischemia in patients with coronary disease 1995(3) Bajway WK.Asnig GM.Sanderson WC High cholesterol Ievels in patients with panic disorder 1992(3) Hayward C.Taylor CB.Roth WT Plastras lipid levels in patients with panic disorder or agoraphobia 1989(7) Savincok I.Buyukozturk A.Dereboy F Serum lipid concentrations in patients with comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and major disorder 2001(1) Maes M.Smith R.Christophe A Lower serum High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)in major depression and in depressed men with serious suicidal attempts:relationship with immmune-inflammatroy markers 1997(3) Tennant CC.Langeluddecke PM.F ulcher G Anger and other psychological factors in coronary at herosclerosis 1987