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作者:吴华清        王焕英 
单位:吴华清(山东中医药大学 山东 济南 250014)王焕英(山东莱钢医院) 
王伟岸.岳恒志 消化系统疾病诊治新概念 2003 王伟岸 肠易激综合症的治疗 [期刊论文] -胃肠病学和肝病学杂志2001(2) Battaglia.Morselli-Labate AM.Camarm E Otilonium bromide in irritable bowel syndrome:a double-bind,place-controlled,15-week study 1998 Lu cL.Chen CY.Chang FY Effect of a calium channel blocker and antispasmodic in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome 2000(8) Baxendale A.Bountra C.Clayton N Irritable bowel syndrome as visceral hyperal-gesia implications for therapy Current opnion in CPNS investigational 1999(1) Kim DY.Camil 1 eri M Serotonin:a mediator of the brain-gut connection 2000 Read NW.Abitbol jl.Bardban KD Efficacy and safety of the penpheral kappa agonist fedozine versus placebo in the treatment of functional dyspepsia 1997 Dapongny M.Abitbol JL.Fraitag B Efficacy of penpheral kappa agonist fedotozine versus placebo in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome;a multicenter dose-response study 1995 Jackson JL.O ' MalleyPG.TomkinsG Treatment of functional gastrointestinaldisorders with antidepressant medications;a meta analysis 2000(1) Clouse RE.Lustman PJ.Gersman RA Antidepressan therapy.in 138 patients with irritable bowel syndrome:a five year clinical expense 1994 王相立.陈广华.麻爱华 氟西汀治疗肠易激综合征的疗效及对生存质量的影响 [期刊论文] -中国行为医学科学1999(4) Nayak A.Karnad D.Abraham P Metronidasole relieves symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome:The confusion with socalled"chronic amebiasis " 1997 Pimentel M.Chow EJ.Lin HC Eradication of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome 2000 张艳霞 乳酶生、硝苯地平治疗腹泻型IBS临床研究 2002(11) 刘素坚 匹维溴铵联合活菌制剂治疗肠易激综合症 [期刊论文] -河北医学2003(9) 吴智安 硝苯吡啶联用谷维素治疗非便秘型肠易激综合症的疗效观察 [期刊论文] -热带医学杂志2004(6) 魏青杰 大剂量谷维素联合硝苯地平治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征疗效观察 [期刊论文] -中原医刊2005(1) Owens DM.Nelson DK.Talley NJ The irritabLe bowel syndrome:longterm prognosis and the physician-patient interaction 1995(2) Charles D.Gerson.Mary-Joan Gerson Irritable bowel syndrom [期刊论文] -胃肠病学和肝病学杂志2000(2) Heymann-MOmmikes I.Arnold R.Florin I The combination of medical treatment plus multicomponent behavioral therapy is superior to medical treatment alone in the therapy of irritable bowel syndrome 2000 Galovski TE.Blanchard EB The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with hypotherapy 1998 Boyce P.Gilchrist J.Talley NJ Cognitive-behavior therapy as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome:a pilot tudv 2000 Prior A.Colgan SM.Whorwell PJ Changs in rectal sensitivity after hypotherapy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome 1990 Forbes A.MacAuley S.Chiotakaou-Fahakou E Hypotherapy and therapeutic audiotape:effective in previously unsuccessfully treated irritable bowel syndrome 2000 东雅杰 高压氧治疗肠激惹综合症22例疗效观察 [期刊论文] -海南医学2002(3)
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